Video Games
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | « finished
- Transistor | started »
- Deep Listens / Off the Deep End
- Tom Walker's GTA 4 Fast Traffic Playthrough | YouTube series
This was a very mild month for media. Going back to school has been kicking my ass. However, I've been playing Breath of the Wild earnestly for two years or so now, and I first got and tried it in 2017, so finishing it is a very exciting milestone for me.
Instead of watching TV or movies or playing Umineko, Danny and I have gotten very, very into Tom Walker's GTA 4 Fast Traffic Playthrough, where he plays the game with highly increased traffic density and speed. It's fucking hilarious and has been such a joy to watch.
I've also been re-watching Utena with some friends who have never seen it before, and watching another friend make his way through Aveyond 4 for the first time! So they can't go on my 'first time media journal', but are definitely worth mentioning.