
Hello, and welcome to my shrine to the Aveyond series, my special interest!


The Aveyond series is a series of roleplaying games developed by Aveyond Studios (previously Amaranth Games) with RPG Maker. Set in the goofy, anachronistic world of Aia, each game is set in the same world decades or centuries apart. The games are mostly self-contained, with occasional reccuring characters and locations.


The Aveyond series is my special interest, and has been since I first played it as a nine year old. It's been a while! I can confidently say this series made me the person I am today. It got me into game development, and has been my biggest inspiration in pretty much every other hobby, from art to baking.

Something about these games just feels legitimately magical to me. Maybe it's how fucking long it took me to finish Aveyond 1, so I felt truly absorbed the first time I played. Maybe it's Aaron Walz's gorgeous scores (okay, it's definitely partly that). Maybe it's that RPG Maker games scratch my brain in a deeply satisfying way, and Aveyond remains my favorite I've ever played, and honestly one of the best.

At the heart of my love for these games is absolutely the characters. My list of favorites is a mile wide. They're typically a little bare bones, but those bones are so fascinating that it just makes it part of the fun and makes them all the more interesting to gnaw on. They also resonate with me on a level that few characters have.


Add individual pages for each game:

Add Party link to menu up-top

Add section on recurring characters

Add section on world map/recurring locations
