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A lavender colored button that says iztopher. Next to the text is an icon of me, a white person with long brown hair wearing purple armor, surrounded by lavender sprigs.

hey all! I'm Iz, short for Iztopher, or Darwin, not short for anything. she/they pronouns.

I'm obsessed with the Aveyond series (check out my dedicated fansite), and generally love RPG Maker and goofy high fantasy. I have a hundred different hobbies, most relating back to Aveyond but not all. I've also been branching out my media interests and have become a bit of a horror fan over the last couple years (talk to me about Saw).

This site is intended as a one-stop shop for me to talk about all of that! From my Aveyond-themed cookie recipes to my original RPG Maker projects to my monthly media log, a little bit of all of it will go here.

Other Sites

A green willow tree with the text Aveyond over it. A cup of coffee with three sprigs of lavender behind it, with text to the right reading Lavender Mocha Games.

Tumblr AO3 Twitter YouTube Backloggd Storygraph Letterboxd
Friends & Neighbors

A bright blue button that says Silvally Plushie on it, next to a drawing of a plush version of the Pokemon Silvally. A green and purple button that says THE GHOST ZONE. A dark textured image that says Vampires of Interest in red text. Two yellow peeps labeled Peeps Pocket A green and black button of a smirking, horned figure next to the letters TOH A vibrant blue button with rounded corners featuring a glowing golden gem. White text says Crystal Caverns. A blue button with a cloud floating across it that says lavender blues. A red button with black visuals reading Swift Red, with a moth in the center A digital drawing of a person with a red ram head and brown, medium length hair on the right. On the left, the words 'TEHUAN' are in big lettering, with clipart of a pocket mirror, dried flowers, and boots behind it. White and blue text reading Ziggy Beeps, with a zigzag hot pink background behind it.

Two yellow peeps labeled Peeps Pocket White and blue text reading Ziggy Beeps, with a zigzag hot pink background behind it.
Webrings & Groups

A button that says Muse Ariadne, with a read ball of thread | read

Website Updates

10 Oct 2024. Got started with my shrines page, including uploading my Aveyond shrine! There's lots more I want to add, but one thing at a time for now.

26 Sept 2024. Uploaded all my art of 2024 so far! Still working on writing image descriptions on individual art pages.

20 Aug 2024. Added an Art Portfolio page, dedicated to my favorite illustrations! More art pages coming soon.

26 Feb 2024. Added tags to the blog, courtesy of 3legged! (also swapped around the order of the "previous" and "next" blog links – don't be alarmed)

17 Feb 2024. Second muse up!

14 Feb 2024. Started working on my RPG maker page.

9 Feb 2024. Finished making individual pages for each of my fanfics, as well as uploading PDFs! This means the fic page is officially done!

8 Feb 2024. First muse up!

8 Feb 2024. Got the fanfiction page nice and organized!

7 Feb 2024. Joined Muse Ariadne, a writing club!

5 Feb 2024. Edited recurring entries in my media journal to link back to each other.

Blog Updates

31 Aug 2024. July 2024 Media Journal

30 June 2024.* June 2024 Media Journal

31 May 2024.* May 2024 Media Journal

30 Apr 2024.* 2024 Goals – April Check-In & April 2024 Media Journal

6 Apr 2024. Game dev website launched!

*backdated for organizational purposes; real date on blog post

To-Do List

  • Finish RPG Maker page
  • Run through site with WAVE and make changes accordingly
  • Fix remaining mobile issues (honeycomb buttons & page widths, mostly)
  • Make shrines!
  • Fill in art pages backlog