
Hey all! I'm Iz, short for iztopher, or Darwin, not short for anything. They/them or she/her pronouns. I'm a 25-year old grad student (much to my chagrin) and hobbyist jack of all trades (when I can find the time). I'm aromantic, asexual, genderqueer and butch, and one day I'll write an essay about how all those things connect for me.

I live with my ex/roommate/partner, Danny, and our very bitey black cat Banana Boy! A lot of my other friends also have Neocities, and they're linked on the site homepage.

I'm autistic, and the Aveyond series has been my special interest for well over a decade now. I'd say I got me into game dev, and it did, but that's not doing it justice. It really got me into everything, from game dev to baking to Neocities. I run a fansite dedicated to it, where I try to be a helpful and mostly unbiased archivist. In a lot of ways this will end up being a secondary fansite, where I get to be biased and gush about how much I love Te'ijal and Galahad.

I survived cancer and all I got was this obsessive compulsive disorder. I spent years being too anxious to engage with pretty much anything new, but then I got on meds and started doing exposure response prevention therapy (another blog post I'll write) and now I read a lot again and love watching horror movies.

I plan to use this site as a place to talk about the things I love, the things I'm trying out, and maybe on occasion the things I dislike. I'm trying to balance letting myself openly dislike things without falling into being a hater. I'd much rather be a dork about what I like.

Pokemon Team

BulbasaurPachirisuHonedgeDratiniSwirlixGalaran Corsola
Other Sites

A green willow tree with the text Aveyond over it. A cup of coffee with three sprigs of lavender behind it, with text to the right reading Lavender Mocha Games.

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