Monthly check-in for my 2024 Goals!

Short answer: They're not happening. That's harsh, but things are just... too much right now. Classes continue to limit my free time in a major way, and they've also launched me straight into a depressive slump where I don't have the energy or the drive to want to do my usual hobbies. I'm taking a new approach for the rest of the semester, so I'll be talking about that here.


Game Dev

The last Friday of February, I did the most game dev I've worked on in ages and actually made my way through the bug list, including the scariest ones. I decided instead of waiting until I wanted to do game dev I was going to make myself work on it for a couple hours Friday afternoon, and that worked really well. I think I'm going to keep it up for the rest of the semester.


An 'I want to draw' 5 by 5 bingo. The template is by Alma K. Rowan. The prompts are: aro pride, old art redraw, Saw fanart, use Rebelle metallic brush, Umineko fanart, armor, Archivist Wasp fanart, finish pre-2023 WIP, femslash, Rhenegade fanart, Elementary fanart, watercolor (digital), Free Space: Te'ijal, Poker Face fanart, tarot card, complete background, short comic, non-Aveyond RPG Maker fanart, friend OC, art based on my own fic, art meme, te'ijalahad, screenshot redraw, captioned with a lyric, flowers. Five scattered boxes have been crossed off: aro pride, femslash, Rhenegade fanart, Free Space: Te'ijal, and friend OC.

I drew this month! One day I'll get the art page set up here. In the meanwhile, you'll have to take my word for it or check out my tumblr.


I have a lot of fics where I'm stuck on the exact scenes I want to include, so for the near future I'm going to focus on hammering out the outlines for fics I know I want to write but I still haven't figured out how to. First priority is figure out Chapter 3 and 4 of my The Little Mermaid AU, which is where I've been stuck for ages.


Four out of twenty books read!

Danny and I are playing and adoring Umineko Episode 4. It's hard to tell how much progress we've made, because Umineko loves going "oh, you think because it's a time loop you know what happens next? Go fuck yourself!" but we're having fun and that's what matters.

Slipping on the RPG Maker goal - I only played a little Absinthia and then got absorbed into Taiji, which is a Unity game - but that's okay.


On halt until I'm out of classes.