Backdated for organizational purposes.

- Dear Luke, Love, Me
- Twin Peaks | « finished
- Tenchi Muyo! | « continued »
- Dungeon Meshi | « caught up, ongoing »
- Star Trek: Deep Space 9 | « continued »
Video Games
- Taiji | « continued »
- Pokemon Shield | « continued »
- Absinthia | « continued »
- Umineko: Episode 4 | « continued »
- The Beach That Makes You Old
- A Mazing Tower | started »
- Interstitial Infinity | « continued, ongoing »
- ARGonauts | select episodes
- Champs in the Making | started »
- Oneshot | select episodes
- Select and Start | select episodes
No books this month, because I've been busy enough doing reading for classes. Apparently, instead I'm getting into podcasts, which have long been the medium I very much cannot do. Obligatory shoutout to the Moonshot Podcast Network, the home of four of the five podcasts I listened to this month!
Dear Luke, Love Me is a movie I supported on Kickstarter a year or two ago. It's not out yet, but it was avaliable for backers to stream for a weekend. It was really good and not at all what I expected. When it starts showing in theaters, I'll make a point to talk it out more.
I'm back to playing Pokemon Shield, and I'm having a lot of fun. I all but finished the game, but normally I have no idea how to get Pokemon post-game content rolling and this time I found myself plopped straight in the middle. I want to catch Zamazenta, so I think I'll continue the game finished when I do that. I might still play more, though – I do like trying to complete my dex.
My other video game shoutout is The Beach That Makes You Old, a Twine horror comedy (emphasis on horror) made by my partner. It's about the way patients are denied agency over their lives and bodies in the medical field and it fucking rules.
I wasn't sure whether to say "started" or "continued" for Deep Space Nine – I've watched a few sporadic episodes with friends, and Danny and I watched the first episode together last year, but it's been a while. Now we're sitting down and watching it in order and it is so fucking good. My favorite episode so far is probably Tosk, which is so entirely my type of thing.